Signed Autographed High

MS Best Specimen for Type WOW I mean WOW Maximianus Antoninianus of Pax

MS Best Specimen for Type WOW I mean WOW Maximianus Antoninianus of Pax
MS Best Specimen for Type WOW I mean WOW Maximianus Antoninianus of Pax
MS Best Specimen for Type WOW I mean WOW Maximianus Antoninianus of Pax
MS Best Specimen for Type WOW I mean WOW Maximianus Antoninianus of Pax

MS Best Specimen for Type WOW I mean WOW Maximianus Antoninianus of Pax

Maximianus (285-310) - BI Antoninianus (Lugdunum AD 289-90, 3.47 g) - IMP C MAXIMIANVS P F AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust right / PAX AVGG, Pax standing, holding Victory on globe and sceptre, officina mark S in exergue (RIC 396) - EF, MS wow wow slight silvering. MUCH MUCH NICER IN HAND.

MS Best Specimen for Type WOW I mean WOW Maximianus Antoninianus of Pax